Today´s Energy 10th January 2018
An emotionally charged up day or more correctly - emotionally aware day. We have Venus and the Sun conjunct and we might get some...
Today´s Energy 9th January 2018
Today´s energy is one of Newer than New. The Moon change signs and we might feel a little off or tired from all the "downloads" and...
Today´s Energy 8th January 2018
Action! .. and Mars being the ruler of today´s energy is conj. with Jupiter in Scorpio in a sextile to Venus-Sun-Pluto, the Moon opposing...
Today´s Energy 7th January 2018
A great day to make a decision! Or commitment. Or to look into what "being responsible" really means. Today we have sweet Saturn´s energy...
Today´s Energy 6th January 2018
Today we can let go of structured thinking and feel our way throughout the day and be one with the flow of Life. The Moon in Virgo is...
Today´s Energy 5th January 2018
The Moon in the Sign of Healing and Venus rules the energy. This Virgo-Moon is talking with Saturn and Lilith in Capricorn - giving us...
Today´s Energy 4th of January 2018
So much New is coming forth! Our minds are sharp and starting to get it, whatever that means for each and one of us. Yesterday passed by...
Today´s Energy 1st of January 2018
An emotional day and the Moon in Cancer, ruling the day, will oppose Saturn and Lilith, followed by Venus and late tonight (UTC time: 2...
Today´s Energy 31st of December
Happy New Year everybody! Today is the day to embrace the New and we have a T-cross from the Moon opposing Mercury in a square to...
Today´s Energy 30th December 2017
The Moon is in Gemini and is talking with no one. We have Mars ruling the day but he seems very inactive today. I slept throughout the...