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Today´s Energy 10th January 2018

An emotionally charged up day or more correctly - emotionally aware day. We have Venus and the Sun conjunct and we might get some insights upon our new (or old) or both - emotionally defenses and/or control systems - "how we control ourselves and others with emotions" will be coming up to the air. If today is not working for you - we will be smart and focused easily by tomorrow when Mercury moves closer to Saturn into Capricorn. And we may need that extra focus this well as firm teaching and tough love - as we know emotions can fly fast if we are not aware and decisive. Which we are now. Anther good way to use this energy is to look in (and use) our new courage of going into our own dark shadow or ego-defense-mechanisms. To dare to look at ourselves from the truest viewpoint possible and honestly ask some tough questions - while at the same time, we might experiencing those old wounded feelings once again, but this time it is like watching a movie and we can from a calm deep "I am" space within, make the corrections needed.

We have to look at and shift our bondaries within ourselves and from there with others. Mostly within though or there is where it starts. In order to be able to do that, we may have to re-experiencing the lack of bondaries and what that does to our inner being/child/energy.

An extra bonus from these realizations can be we decide (or are forced to) follow our own inner rythm and not what is asked of us or what we used to allow and make ourselves do - or the different ways to show up.

And... let´s not forget we are going forward with our New Me now so it is a bit of a juggling with more than two balls - we might stumble now and then so take tiny small steps for a while. Especially when Mars will dance with the Moon today, we might be easily triggered and irritable - or the people around us.

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