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Today´s Energy 8th January 2018

Action! .. and Mars being the ruler of today´s energy is conj. with Jupiter in Scorpio in a sextile to Venus-Sun-Pluto, the Moon opposing Uranus, squaring Venus, the Sun and Pluto.

What a wonderfully New day of Actions this can be! The deep clearing work has gone deeeep this weekend folks. New layers came visible with intense but sweet clarity. Sweet because they are leaving fast and easy nowadays. Only we have to address them and Poff! Gone they are!

It can be a little overwhelming though when new layers come up right after the other in a never ending stream of .... well, insane beliefs and thoughtforms which creates intense emotions. But.. we keep the calm. Always.

Everthing can be sensed and even heard with a New clarity - both the true messages and the not so true, i.e false interferences.

So many layers of f.e.a.r (false energy appering real) and manipulative programs and indentities that has been lying dormant, came forth as well.

We are on a different level and transmuting lower dense energies is the new norm, would you agree?

Whatever comes up with these aspects today, we know what triggers pain and aches are not true to our Spirit. Our inner GPS will always lead us to what is our Highest Inner Knowing and what is off - not in alignment.

So dear friends, we continue to keep our calm and continue deeper within until we are done. Like a true Capricorn, we do not give up.... nothing is too difficult and we might learn we are stronger than we ever had believed before this transit.

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