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Today´s Energy 4th of January 2018

So much New is coming forth! Our minds are sharp and starting to get it, whatever that means for each and one of us. Yesterday passed by as something I can´t even remember today. And the second of January as well. Old beliefs - reasons and causes that have created so much overwhelming energy in our minds, bodies and souls have been coming up with this Full Moon. And.. as we all know by now - it is a must to take care of it when it comes up, neglecting doing so can make the work much more difficult later.

Today our minds are sharp again though - and new. Or the new might be the fact the New Ego is less interested in keeping track of what has been - we are also more clear on what went on for these three (or more) days. We also have a new Grand Trine - now in Fire and Mars and Jupiter is moving into a close dance by tomorrow - in deep water.

Some squares are also going on - making us taking action or dealing with some old fears. Even that story is getting very old, doesn´t it?

We are truly making something like a 180 degrees turn-around - turning our backs to the old stories, relations, issues and so on.

It is not very comfortable just yet for many of us - pains, body-sensations, dizziness, stomach issues, not understood sudden anxieties, panic-attacks is still popping up now and then - but not even those holds the same energies as before.

We all feel more stable in general with all these planets in Capricorn with sextiles to Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio - they all play so nicely together.

What is going on energetically right now makes me think of Dancing - which I had the pleasure of doing on New Years Eve - we all know, we ladies -when we are following the man in the dance - we are flowing over the dance floor together in wonderful ease which can even lead to Bliss. But... when we (the ladies) are tuned into the Source (the music) and giving our bodies permission to go with the music, the Source - at the same time as our dance-partner is counting steps - not tuning into the Source - well we all know how that feel. The pain in our feet afterwards from being stepped on - our arms, backs and necks... even the brain hurts when dancing in life like that. When we are feeling these energies coming in and if we lose our awareness for just a second - not following the music - we lose our balance and we are hurting instantly these days.

The old ways of operating ourselves in/with life is not working anymore. When we lose our own rythm or refuse to follow it - we feel that same pain as when dancing with someone not aware of the music or the rythm. What is good with that?

Well, we stop it quicker these days. That is not they way to walk anyway, so we stop.

Let´s dance with the planets and their aspects today - in a harmonious flow.

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