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Today´s Energy 30th December 2017

The Moon is in Gemini and is talking with no one. We have Mars ruling the day but he seems very inactive today.

I slept throughout the whole day. It was a well needed rest for the upcoming New Year and the Full Moon in Cancer. Venus is off Lilith and the air was filled with calm healing weather in the north of Scandinavia.

Mars and Jupiter´s trine to Neptune made a deep dive into my psyche today, how about you guys? And Mercury served me lots of old out-dated beliefs that felt as coming from another dimension. Wow! It has been intense inner work while the external one was so calm it felt as if I was the only one on the planet.

What action to take in our every-day-lives when there are no one to interact with?

Silent stillness and outside my window, a big curtain of heavy wet snow hanging between the roof and the ground, half way down soon to land on the ground with a bang but not just yet. It is not letting go of the roof - not falling, not moving. And this big piece of snow has been hanging like this for 3 days. Refusing to let go. Are we refusing to let go of the Old or is Mars working behind the scene, making some changes in our inner computer, slowly moving the old programs out from our every cells?

As if the Universe is preparing for the Big Bang, the Full Moon is growing bigger silently behind the clouds. It is a very dark night. The energy is Loving and Kind though.

This energy is of a different kind. We have some sextiles and trines going on but beside those aspects - all is silent and calm

Enjoy this beautiful day my friends and rest if needed.

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