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Today´s Energy 31st of December

Happy New Year everybody!

Today is the day to embrace the New and we have a T-cross from the Moon opposing Mercury in a square to Neptune/Chiron going on. "it is all in our minds" and with the sextile late tonight to Uranus, we might feel our nervous systems as well. Tension can occur if our Gemini Moon and Mercury starts to fight over beliefs and ego, Higher Selves and going with the flow. Communication can be intense, hopefully in a Gemini-sharp and joyous way! This time around our Gemini Moon can feel less happy though - or at least different. Hopefully we can keep our inner and external Geminis as social and fun as usual.

Fortunally - what ever might be going on this New Year Eve on a mental level we have the grounding energy in Capricorn holding the structure of our day and evening, making the gatherings move smoothly with the arrangements of dinner, cheers and dancing, seeing to everybodies safety and taking care of everybody and every thing. Even though some Capricorns have just understood that that is an old pattern of theirs and they might let others take care of the chores this year and back off completely for their normal responsability. If so, don´t panic - it will work out anyway. Only differently. It is a new start of a new order.

Emotionally we might already feel the power of the Full Moon so keep that in mind if the energy of motions are moving downhill.

The best way to have a loving New Year is to go with the flow where we "normally" do not. Perfect evening to be a bit like a Gemini! Social, joyous, sharp and fun. Tomorrow we will return to our caves - enjoy being in our Homes, safe and cosy when while Cancer Moon shines her bright light from a hopefully clear sky!

Much Love and thank you all for a wonderful supporting year of the Today´s Energy reports. I m grateful for your friendship and love and I enjoy every comment - I read them all - every day.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! see you 2018!

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