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Today´s Energy 30 March 2018

Today we have the Full Moon leaving Virgo and will enter Libra late tonight for the exact Full Moon by tomorrow 13:45 PM GMT at 10 degrees in Libra while we have the opposition in Aries which she will oppose; Sun, Mercury Rx and last but not least, Uranus and Venus.

But back to today; we have a day of celibration as well as personal decisions to make and actions to take. It is as if being torned between our own very importance to be with us, alone with our inner decisions and to be with the ones we love and celebrate the external stories coming from the Bible.

Which one does one choose?

The day have felt heavy and edgy at the same time. Plain low energy in the clients and people I have met today. Not low as in negative but in tired, no goals or wishes of taking action. "what ever...." seemed to be the answer to most of them questions today.

Before the Moon leaves Virgo, she will oppose Chiron, so we have good chances to feel and see what we have still to see within our wounds.

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