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Today´s Energy 29 March 2018

Venus and Uranus conjunct and the the Moon opposing Neptune and in a trine to Pluto. Is it time to action on what we love? Or do we need to let go of controlling our love(ly) surroundings, relations and lives?

Uranus is all about Freedom and we are not too good at giving ourselves and others that. Pluto in Capricorn has pushed us to change our control-mechanisms and defenses a long time now, and now we have Venus in another round with Uranus, still in Venus. What have we learned this past years - about 7 of them when it comes to give freedom to others to be who they are? And to give ourselves the freedom to do and be what we love?

It can be that we have to see something go by "force" if we are not ready to open our hands a bit now and let it BE free from our control. Saturn has his say in the early morning and then Mars steps in and ask us to take action on what we decided to re-arrange yesterday.

Neptune and the Moon is about the same topic in their opposition today - will we live and let live or to be nitpicking on the hows and the ways and the details?

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