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Human feelings, re-actions and thoughts have fascinated me as long as I can remember. I switched a traditional career to find the root of our many problems, ego mind, soul and the body's various pains.
My journey inward has taken me to many modalities in healing and to different cultures for answers, guidance and experiences.
I have worked with shamans, coaches, healers and many naprapats, and trained me in various techniques so as to reach as deeply as possible.
Today, I've changed my way of working from massage, herbs and nutrition, reiki and other healing methods to spiritual coaching, one step deeper from the traditional one.
What made me the most pleasure to work with and which also helps my own issues is quantum healing and energy corrections.
That's why I now, with my whole heart and soul, wants to share my amazing experiences and abilities that I experienced during my 30-year trip inward.

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