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Today´s Energy 15th March 2018

Today´s energy is about healing, creation and love that will finish today in a vibe of flow and Higher Love.

The Moon is in Pisces and will have nice easy talks with Mars and Saturn before conj. with Neptune tomorrow.

Venus and Mercury is off the exact square with Saturn and things might feel a little less rough and raw or negative but more flowing and beautiful - even kind after these three months of sensing, facing and clearing "hell".

We are ready to smell the flowers of a new energy of Ego and we may be wobbling a little still, between the old Ego and the new one we are now creating. We also are stepping deeper into our new programs that came forth when the old ones are cleared out with root on all levels and all books of Life.

We are ready to play and to co-create with our whole being but it is possible there will be a slightly (or strong) resistance to really give way, let ourselves go fully and be free from self doubt and fear of another disappointment. Fear not. It is a part of the play so to speak and only another memory to be cleared out from our deepest levels of our soul.

It is a sunny snow-filled nature with blue sky over here, filled with kindness and beauty. The energy field feels very soft and smooth - and everything is still like a photo. Peace.

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