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Today´s Energy 9th March 2018

The Moon will dance with Mars in Sags later today in a square to the Sun and Chiron in Pisces so we better be aware of where we have our inner warrior today - peaceful or not so peaceful. Venus and Mercury are well into Aries energy now and will start moving into a square with Saturn soon (some can feel it already).

The "adult" - "teaching" energy of Saturn in Capricorn is felt out there in the community and sometimes very misplaced and not pleasant at all when the "teacher" role being taken on by young people not yet experienced enough to tell others what to do. The communication can go into a wrong and confusing direction very fast - especially with another true Cappy.

Jupiter is retrograde and we might experience some luck and progression that we haven´t felt for a long time.

Today is a calm day with never-ending snowing and grey skies over here and the community feels a bit "dull" - not moody - but like "giving up". It feels relaxing and stable in a way. It seems as if we are not yet ready to take action on the new energy within - or it is just needed to have an inbetween day of no work.

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