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Today´s Energy 19th February 2018

Today we have the Sun in Pisces - CONGRATS ALL PISCES! and with him he has Mercury getting us ready for a new energy-lesson, the one of Pisces unconditonal Love (or escapism/illusions). Are our thoughts carrying Love?

The Moon, she is in courageous Aries making a square to Lilith and later to Pluto. That might bring up some old fears. Fears of emotions maybe? It has been a very turbulent and aggressive 3 days or so and many can report being overwhelmed by an unfamiliar rage and anger. When the Moon make that square to Pluto it can be wise to take time to clear out the control/defense that triggered that emotion. Letting it go before we head deeper into the Pisces Wisdom.

We also have a Grand Trine for a couple of hours when the Moon hooks up with Mars and N. Node in Leo. Are we ready to take that leap into lovefilled actions towards ourselves? Start loving all about us, set a new rule, mindset and change our old perspectives and beliefs what "perfection" is all about?

It can be a moody day as many across the water (in Sweden) already have talked about ... and the snow continue to fall.

Happy Birthday all Pisces out there and keep the calm, this will pass and does so faster with some serious inner work. As always.

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