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Today´s Energy 15th February 2018

Happy Solar Eclipse in Aquarius!

We are here after all the Love Practice waves of yesterday. Jupiter is talking with Pluto, Mercury and Chiron. We have been successful in letting our Ego-mind, overthinking, old ways of communication being put down to die by Pluto. Mars in a square to Neptune might bring up some fear and confusion but also a chance to clear out illusions, addictions to living in an illusion and meaningless actions, leading nowhere.

Venus in a sextile to Saturn is helping us to grow up in regards to how we spend/use our energy, money, creations and love, what the more honest love feels like and how it actually starts with oneself - that is being more clear to us after this transit. Also how money and love energy built with integrity can give us something valuable for the long run, not only for the moment.

It all comes down to our personal freedom of course, being this a Solar Eclipse in Aquarius. And thtat too starts with oneself. How are we not letting ourselves be free to be free?

What guilt is in the way? Negative experiences from the past, believing it is selfish to walk with and fully being in our Hearts? Not thinking of others when following our inner knowing?

Just some questions to ponder in the process of becoming free as one can be....

It is a new time ahead.

A time when it is harder for us to accept being told - by helpful people - the "right way of living", the "right food to eat", the "right attitude or thinking" the "right" this and the "right" that. We are coming into a higher understanding that we are truly and foremost Unique Individuals with different needs, re-actions, traumas, weaknesses, allergies, strength, beliefs, karma etc. therefore no one outside of ourselves has the authority or the knowledge was is good for us - me, you and others. Not even "education and advice" can help us now. The advicers often don´t even know what is "right" for themselves. So...finally that time is over.

It is a very different perspective and it is not the easiest to shift into due to our programmed minds that we are to help each other the way we have always done.

But... the faster we "get the message" of this, the faster we will experience the feel of true freedom.

Happy Solar Eclipse my friends!

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