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Today´s Energy 31 January 2018

Lunar Eclipse time in Leo!

Full Moon in Leo 11-12 degrees conjunct with the North Node and the Sun in Aquarius, conjunct with Venus. Attached with these energies, we have a close enough square up to Jupiter as well. Mercury at his last (testing) degree of Capricorn.

It is already intense for many, two days from this event that is rare enough to bring our attention up high and lots has been written about this Blue Moon too.

Personally, Lunar Eclipses has brought in dramatic losses into my life as well as seeing dramatic events for others - as in their house was burned down etc. so I might be a bit bias on the energy.

But... some of these events have also activated and brought forth new and very life changing Relations! We learn from relations as we know it and some are so life changing as in "giving growth" it doesn´t matter how they ended - if they did.

Also educations/courses, just over a weekend or longer, can bring us into a brand new direction as well can being "kicked out" and finding a new place to live.

Some of these energies even take it all (job, house, parents, partners, pets) - all in once - when one is ready for a whole new make-over being done with Life.

So that said; I have no clue which one direction this will take for us all on a personal level. I do feel though that we are more than ready, on a global, collective level to let whatever needs to happen - in order to change this status-quo of narcissism and fear-based rules in our communities - happen. Hopefully it will be not too hard to let go of the Old Thinking for the collective and each one of us. The sooner we do... the faster the new.

Love energy is coming into our bodies, Higher Frequences as we also call these vibes. We know it because we feel it in our minds and hearts.

And all Past will have to go in order to make room for the Present, even if it shake us up - we know it is time.

....and as we remember... it is Actually Love it is all about - and has always been. Even the fear and anger, sorrow and hate are there due to and connected with Love. Love for Life, Love for people, Love for our jobs and Love to Survive. If we didn´t have so much Love for this Earth, we wouldn´t care as much as we do, not hate what others are doing or not, so much. Right?

Happy Lunar Eclipse to All of Us and the Beauty of a new way to show our Love for each other and this Earth!

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