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Today´s Energy 28th January 2018

A beautiful aspect in today´s chart. The Sun and Venus is opposing NN in Leo and the Moon is changing signs. Saturn rules the day - we might feel a new energy of wanting to put our foot down. Decide, once and for all that this...... has to go or I m absolutely going to set a goal on this..... We might also feel restricted, limited on some level; physically, emotionally, not sharp enough as fast as we would like. Panic can occur from these thoughts and emotions today.

The Moon will also oppose Saturn late tonight/tomorrow. Heal and shift our old patterns of thoughts - old programs while Mercury is sextiling Chiron in Pisces.

This upcoming Lunar Eclipse may already be felt of some, intuively or otherwise.

It is as we know; all about Loving Ourselves. Forgiving and so on and so forth and as this is going on within we also have a dump upon us of energies coming in from external sources.

It is hard to see almost. Here we have this foggy weather again and it is like no station on the radio is working right now. But.... our bodies might pic up on some energies going on behind the scene, if you will.

It has a serious touch to it as well. Mars is now in Sagittarius and that might be the reason we are focused upon the future... which we can´t seem to see to clarily today.

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