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Today´s Energy 27th January 2018

Flowing with our Higher Consciousness are we today! And Venus is opposing North Node, moving closer to be exact. The Moon in Gemini is busy as usual, speaking with Pluto in a Yod, sextile to North Node, trine to Venus and a square to Neptune. Mercury is wrapping up his time in Capricorn with a square to Uranus - what will we do with that energy?

We also have a Yod pointing at the Moon, the other is pointing at Pluto and if we look close enough, we can see a Yod coming up pointing at the North Node from Venus and Lilith later this week.

What is it the Sky is pointing us toward see, feel and be aware of?

I m pondering this chart with one eye gaze on Seinfeld, an eposide in which George suddenly decides to "do the opposite" of what he has "always done" - with Great Breakthroughs!

He meet a lady, gets a job and move out from his parent´s place. And Jerry himself gets the insight; it will "all even out" as he saw his two friends - George that is normally unhappy with bad luck and Elaine who is up and about, always lucky - now changing energies; George happy and about from doing the opposite... Elaine moody with bad luck when she got kicked out from both job and home. So Jerry just saw it: "It will even itself out". Two friends - one always happy the other not.

Even with everything in life is a great insight of today; being homeless is even with having a home, having a partner is even with not having a partner. Because, as we know; whatever is happening, is happening regardless of how we re-act to it. Re-actions is less productive as Actions, as we also know. So dear friends when I look at today´s energies I m feeling into the energy of Pluto and Mercury and our ability to discern what is true and what is not - in our minds and communication.

Neptune - the energy of Higher Cosnciousness reminds us today to flow with whatever is happening in our every-day-lives and not take the thoughtforms flying by too seriously.

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