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Today´s Energy 26th January 2018

Friday´s energy is one of Love and New Creations, within ourselves, for ourselves, from ourselves and about ourselves. Nothing external has anything to do with the energies going on this week, set to move us further into the True Self of Love.

The Moon will leave Taurus and just when entering into Gemini late afternoon, she will create an opposition to Mars at zero degrees in Sagittarius, followed with a trine to the Sun in Aquarius. And that is happening right about now actually.

We might feel as if it is difficult to remember the deep dives within that has been forced upon us from the Sky since Monday. That is a great sign if that is the case. That shows us we have really left it behind and we did come out the other end of that tunnel. Much is still adjusting within though; we can feel it in our organs, muscles and chakras - even in our skin. It is easy to feel how our Soul and Heart are thriving already, though our bodies is a bit behind with the changes that has been done. Our minds are closer to "get it", "accept it" and let it be... just need a little more time.....

We will have the Moon in Gemini for some days and she will talk with Venus (a trine), Neptune (a square) and North Node (a sextile) tomorrow. It can make us feel even more on top of the world. Within.

The fun result of the transformation this week is that our Ego-minds are starting to crack and melt into total acceptance and surrender from the experiences that nothing of the old defenses and control-systems, attitudes and re-actions seems to work anymore, nor does watching the News.

The inner GPS Alarm - our CNS - goes off from every lie it hears - and it is going off constantly nowadays. Have you noticed?

Enjoy the New vibrations coming in and the Creating of Creations. Abilities are intensified, new ones are developed along with a deeper understanding about what we are and how to manage this Human "thing". No thing is what it appears to be or used to be.

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