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Today´s Energy 25th January 2018

How are we doing out there? It has been an intense start on this week but today we have some less confusion flying around within. Our minds are sharp, even if we have more false thoughts that needs to die - according to Pluto - we have after-thoughts deepening still - on what we went through this far into the Aquarius Vibe with us and the Earth.

Many of us have already had glimpses and felt something is different in the energy and self awareness. A brighter, smoother feel in the body and mind and it is growing, spreading wider and deeper with the hour.

The Moon in Taurus is busy talking with; Neptune, lovingly and a bit less loving to Venus who is also opposing North Node in Leo - our Love-Guru. Figure out what that is all about!

The Moon continues her talks in a trine up to Pluto and Mercury in Cap and an opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio and finally, she will gift us with a square to the North Node.

That might make us ponder upon what real self love feels like, what do we want to create and manifest from here?

Venus - also about love and creation is involved in this "reaching out" from our collective energy in motion, the Moon.

Are we to continue with the old actions or change our course of direction? And look; isn´t it Mars at 29 degrees, testing us on just that! ... before he moves into the imaginative Sagittarius all fired up...

Who do we want to Be on this next journey? What does it mean to Master and Manifest our Heart´s Desires? What abilities did we push down into the deep dark water of Scorpio? Is it time to feel them now and expand with Jupiter, our Lucky Star? ... it might just be the right time, you know...

Has our deepest desires changed now? If we take our time - and not allow us to be lazy with this - it might be we will see that we have grown out of old desires and into more adult and responsive ones, as Saturn would like us to.

As you can see, we have a Grand cross and two opposition today - including our North Node in Leo - which of course is All About Love Actually!

I have a feel that "most of the work" is done by today, but if not it will change soon and with Mars in Sagittarius by tomorrow, we can relax and enjoy our Friday and a joyous weekend with the Moon in social Gemini, where she will create a trine up to the Sun and Venus.

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