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Today´s Energy 24th January 2018

Today is an interesting day with lots of action; the first breakdown in the Aquarius vibration and the Sun will be in a square to the Moon in Taurus as well as an opposition to Mars, 28-29 degrees in Scorpio.... be careful with this one. Lots of deep rage has been showing its face the last days and it might reach its peak today when the Moon hits that degree.

We also have Mercury moving into Pluto in Capricorn, making us die a little -it might even be the anger/rage/hate from deep within that makes us let an old control-defense-strategy dies today - or tomorrow when the dust has settled down and we can see a breakthrough while our mind is out of being paralyzed by whatever makes us jump suddenly.

Our Warrior in Scorpio as well as Pluto in Capricorn wont take no for an answer neither are they afraid to meet or challange the dark or to see and confront the unpleasant manipulative lies presented by others or from within.

Groups don´t always have to be a pain in the neck, but this energy seem filled with old Shame, guilt, fear of love, focus on reputation, judgements, blaming..and lots of victimhood - so much ugly energies are running wild all around and from within - so deep the whole Earth and our bodies are shaking when they let go of the bottom and arise up to the surface for us to see, feel and experience.

It even hurts physically while these old dense energies moves through us.

But... as we all know by now... this too will pass. See you on the other side of this little bump in the road... dive carefully....

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