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Today´s Energy 20th January 2018

Happy Birthday Aquarius!

We have the Sun zero degrees in Aquarius and Venus at 2 degrees today. We are to adjust and get a taste of the energy from the Genius in the Zodiac for some 30 days but today it is a bit less energetic before the Sun has settled in and assigned us his lessons of the year of 2018.

The Moon in dancing with Neptune and talking sweet with Saturn, Lilith and Mercury in Capricorn. We might feel either flowing, keen to meditation and really have a good talk - or listening to our Higher Realm´s message. Or... we maybe have a look at more of our Illusions, addictions and escapism that sometimes is said being the Pisces/Neptune shadow side. Hopefully we will flow into the New with ease and get use to do more of that flowing.

So the day looks as one of slow dreamy energy not much to be upset or stressed out about - except if that shadow side pops up, that is.

It wouldn´t hurt our NCS one bit, to take it easy after this maraton of hectic one-issue-after-another-kind-of-week.

So again; Happy Birthday to All Aquarius out there and celebrate in Joy this month.

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