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Today´s Energy 16th January 2018

New Moon in Capricorn at 2 am tomorrow in Europe and evening in the US this will take place - at 26 degrees conjunct with Venus. Before that she moves over Pluto to give us a feel of what needs to die and we work through it as usual.

The weather is a bit aggressive tonight in Sweden and has been going on all day, snow coming from the side, a bit watery and sticky, turning into ice on the cars. It is a stormy dark night. A perfect day/night to stay inside and ponder the new coming while clearing out the old.

Solar plexus and back seem to be activated as well as the heart chakra. Lots are leaving, sweating it out like in a sweat lodge, only there is not lodge.

Again our minds are busy with old fear while Mercury is conjunct with Lilith at 7 degrees.

It is a calm energy out in the community, people seemed tired and more autentic than not. Like no one has the energy to be anything else anyway.

That is the New Us turning up - a bit tired and worn out - before we set sails, taking action on and into the New Unknown.

The Moon, the Sun and Venus is also in a square to Uranus, about now we can feel the Moon ´s exact degree coming on. We still have a couple of hours until the exact conj. Moon/Sun.

It is a little weird this energy, off and intense - calm but powerful, decisive in its nature. It suits me perfectly and I m looking forward to the rest of this week´s energies that will follow tonight´s stormy darkness. It is like the wind are helping in clearing old stuff out.

Deep breathing might be necessary and a good advice - especially when and if anxiety comes by, which is possible due to the solar plexus and heart chackras.

The energy in this is helping us making a rough decision, so thank God we are having this in the sign of decision making.

Happy New Moon my friends out there and I hope you are all feeling fine and well! Blessings and Love... All is well. Always.

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