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Today´s Energy 14th January 2018

The energy of Today is one of Healing our Relationship with ourselves and Enlightenment (i.e understanding, insight, education, learning, knowledge, awareness, information, erudition, wisdom, instruction, teaching; illumination, light, edification, awakening; culture, refinement, cultivation, civilization, sophistication, advancement, development, liberalism ) while the Moon is creating a square to Chiron and a trine to Uranus, before passing over; Saturn, Mercury and Lilith in Capricorn and continue with Pluto, Venus and the Sun/New Moon the day after.

Some might feel a deep fear when being cut off from certain relations, doings, events and situations that "used to be there" for and with us.

Let it go. Dare to see - feel it - in our bodies is highly beneficial at this moment, says the Sky Intelligence.

Capricorn is our physical body/reality - our skeleton. Saturn, the Great manifester - the only planet able to turn ideas into concrete results are coming together making this a serious time.

People born in the sign of Capricorn are seen - at first glance - and have the reputation of being boring and dull, well - even negative. That might be due to the fact he is knowing that what he believes/thinks and feels - will manifest into his reality.

That is his reason to take life seriously at times, which can appear "being boring" to other signs of the Zodiac. Because when one lives with that knowing from deep within, it is natural to be alarmed when false energies are running in our subconscious minds, creating negative emotions (fear) creating and manifesting a reality that is not to our liking or highest good.

When an awake Capricorn sees his reality taking a not-to-his-liking course, he is quick to attend to some deep work - diligently and fast - to find the deeper cause for it in order to shift it. On his own or with help from others. There is no proud there, only the goal is important to him. Because it is that simple: what thoughtforms and emotions are believed and felt - are the gasolin creating the matter/reality we will be experiencing.

And especially nowadays this is more important, if you have noticed; we do manifest - all of us - energy into matter at a higher speed. Therefore, my friends it is a good advice that we use these constellations of bodies in the sign of Capricorn to learn how this works.

After all, the many planets are in the sign of the Great Teacher. And he doesn´t accept bullshit due to the above knowing but he is also very Loving. He will limiting our abilities to manifest too much of a horror movie and uses different "tools" to rescue us while at the same time he is teaching us a lesson.

Again: what we are running through our Beings will manifest and it is our SUB conscious mind that is of great importance to look at. Be aware and serious about what we are thinking, believing and feeling is a great advice that all of us will benefit from if we chose to listen.

When we are gifted with having so many aspects/energies in Capricorn, it is time to go through each and every one of them to find the Truth/False beliefs running (which the Moon will do today) and their vibration and Intelligence which is teaching us, pointing us - into understanding our inner Truth.

The truth of our bodies, not our minds or beliefs. Set aside all that and focus on the body and feel what is true and what is not true.

And see the fact: that all the pain, discomforts and confusion is due to Untrue Relations, events, doings and situations that we have put ourselves in comes from our inner vibrational beliefs in the first place. Control mechanism and system, defenses that we have used in order to survive will also be falling apart now, if they are not of our Highest Good. The causeof "dis-manifesting" can be found in the early stage of this lifetime or previous ones, which can interfere with the manifesting of our desires, setting them aside or delay them a great deal.

A very good thing with "no bullshiting" Saturn is this: He will not let us manifest something that is too much out of alignment with our Higher Truth, but he will make us experience an accident or deep sorrow and pain in order to make us listen, re-commit, re-think what we are believing.

If we are too stubborn and do not listen to his teaching - which goal is to help us reach that Top of the Mountain, whatever that means to us - hi have some "technique" to use which can be: a bit of tough love sending us into a place where we will get time to ponder. Again and again, until we see our own inner Intelligence, Integrity, Mastery and Light.

The Sun and Venus is in a square to Uranus .. new insights is coming into our focus and awareness - that is today´s great news!

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