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Today´s Energy 13th January 2018

Today we have a sharp mental energy to play with. The Sun and Venus is moving away from Pluto and Mercury´s conjunction with Saturn is soon over as well. Next is the Moon passing over them both before the upcoming New Moon.

We have two trines and two sextiles and only one square - for a couple of hours down to Chiron in Pisces, from the Moon´s journey in Sagittarius.

Healing, releasing, downloads, upgrades, shifts and old karmas is still going on but also that has started to get "old" and we might feel we are doing it even in our sleep, easily and effortlessly, one thing after another.

Today it seems that the base chackra has decided to clear out what not longer is relevant for us. Some pain is going on with survival energies/beliefs/karmas. As well as eye-issues, not to mention insomnia that is going on for many many souls since a while back. And what is left of control-systems about the unknown future, from the past is running a bit wild as well. Stress in the nervous system can be felt with all "control"-issues that is not resolved.

It feels like that is about to stabelize very soon though.

So, dear friends - it seems to become a day to enjoy and let the stress fade out and return to more stable grounds.

Stay calm and take one step at the time. Stay in the Now and understand there is no "future" to fear, it is all going on Now. And now. And now. And that Now is already in the past. Or in somewhere in the extended Now. :-)

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