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Today´s Energy 11th January 2018

An excellent day with new ideas and Mercury is joining Saturn and the other guys in Capricorn! The Moon will pass over Mars in "black or white" Scorpio so be aware of that during the morning so that you don´t find yourselves in a dark discussion. Or it will be the first "test" with our new bondaries... if we have been able to shift that mindset during this week. If not - here might be our chance to take a closer look at our deeper emotions and our inner Warrior - how he/she takes action or re-action.

We are smarter, wiser and more focused than ever today. And that is only the beginning: tomorrow we have Mercury and Saturn exactly conjunct and the breakthrough energy gifted us from the Sky.

It is not much more to say about this week up until now - it has been a ride for sure and what we will do with it all, it up to us. Each and every one of us.

Relations and their dynamics will change after this intense week with the growing inner wisdom and honesty. We have a new courage and lack of fear or detachments if you will to our old judgemental Selves regarding our shadows and hopefully less judgements of the darker side of others as well.

What are they good for anyway, these judgements?

Would we rather be "right" than at Peace?

Making Peace with the Dark. The day is one of those "photographic" ones. Everything is still; no wind, all is white and covered by snow with a light blue sky. No sounds, nothing is moving and the Peace is Lovely. Just Lovely. In Joy this day... something is brewing in the Sky.....

That is possible now with the teamwork between Scorpio and Capricorn and with so many energies in each of these signs. And perfectly aligned, isn´t it with Neptune and Chiron in flowing accepting Pisces. And finally the New Thinker, Uranus in stubborn old Aries who believes that all is set and done. Well, it is not - let the New Begin!

The New starts with our new Ego, new perspective on Shadow and the Dark as well as the Light and the Love. It starts within and we co-create the external.

So, let these inner energies come up in the light before judging the "Reality" out there. Yes, that includes animal that are abused, war in different parts of the World and much more. Give it a rest - just for a week - for the benefit of focusing only on You. And the fact that maybe "You" were the animal-abuser in a former existance... or similar memories that many of us do not feel keen to admit/feel/re-visit. But.. we have to - in order to honestly be able to Forgive the Dark within and move forward to the True Light and Love - for ourselves... and for the rest of All that exists.

Happy Shifts and Disclosure of the Inner You!

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