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Today´s Energy 9th of December 17

Today we are to commit, make decisions and also take action when we are clear on what and where we are heading towards. It has been another weird day(s) and many are feeling ill; pain in stomach, issues with head, eyes and jaws and necks - it also came right after or during the Full Moon in Gemini for many. Suddenly.

So that said, cancellations due to illness, weakness and dis-eases is going on and with the Moon in Virgo today we may focus on having these situations cured and taking time for ourselves.

At the same time we are moving closer to the end of a very rough and interesting year as well as the Christmas Holidays which also brings up more than usual for many; grief, sentimental energies and thoughtforms, sadness - and a even deeper re-action, despair when seeing animals and souls suffer under the hand of someone else - and nature.

Even though the nature has shown us its power not so beneficial to us lately, we are still grieving everytime she is being abused.

Saturn moving closer to Capricorn is felt already for some; more serious energies - with a bit of sentimental touch on it.

The Moon is busy talking today; sextil to Jupiter, square to Venus, trine to Pluto and an opposition to Neptune. So... it may be another two-faced kind of day/energy.

Our hearts feels heavy tonight, as if there is a wall infront of it - or a new sense of others heart walls built by fear, sadness, rage, despair, overwhelm and so on.

We are tired I believe. Tired of believing this Planet and her Children and Inhabitant of it being condemned and doomed to suffer?. Another program to delete and illusion to jump into and clear. She isn´t doomed, is she? Are we?

We as a collective are to decide.... which perspective do we feed? Paradise or Hell?

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