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Today´s Energy 25th November

The vibration is one of hope and exploration today - new ideas, ways and directions - hopfully from the true nature of our powerful Being. Jupiter in a trine to Neptune and the Moon to Mars. Uranus´trine to Saturn is still going on and we are getting more of their brillant teamwork; the brilliance and unique vibration of Uranus and the strong ability to manifest from Saturn. Think how powerful that can be if put together!

We may feel very clear and strong today with more confidence in the New flowing free thinking Spirit within. When we see new ways of thinking - deleting the old ones not even coming originally from within ourselves - how original and new it actually can be, we can´t feel nothing but calm, balanced, free, powerful - as One. Not seeing it as being alone and isolated no more - but as One with the Universal Vibration; Higher Creativity, Intelligence and Abundance!

It is a good start-up for the New and Unknown - not to fear but to Create and Explore ourselves.

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