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Today´s Energy 24th November

"Black" Friday and we are having an emotional vibe going today. The Moon in Aquarius can take it to a brilliant feeling/idea though. Mercury - our minds and communication is making a square to Chiron in Pisces, which may us want to not be out there, but to stay in and talk about, think about and/or heal our inner wounds instead, look into the deeper perspective of our childhood and past.

Venus in Scorpio is also in a square - to the Moon in Aquarius but Mars is having a nice chat with Mother Moon.

Saturn at the Galactic Centre as of today and will help us feel our true nature - before being invaded by other´s misconceptions, projections, beliefs, thoughts and Ego programs ... and of course FEAR. Fear often can be experienced when either the information we are given is false (for our inner knowing, consciousness etc) or when our own Ego programming is lying to us.

Now(r)ember who you were before all that shit hit the fan (your being). How much haven´t we said and had opinons about that we actually were clueless about - totally living in an illusion and misconception, misperception or denial of the Higher Truth. Imagine how much we have taken in to be correct, right and true - that was far away from that.

Today is a good day to shift a little our perspective on the above and disregard it all together. Deeper and far beyond the "world´s right to be right" or "right to be wrong" our true nature are to be found.

Expand our Hearts into that spot of the Galaxy within ourselves - the Beauty of Truth. Not everybodies truth, but our unique one.

Many have been feeling isolated for many years, stuck and lonely with these planetary positions and energies. Now we start to understand why. We are to disconnect from the influences of the outher world (for as long as it takes) to be able to cut through the thick walls between the conditioned programmed computer by the Ego of others and our own inner Gold - within our own very cells.

The Best Deal this Black Friday can be to dig for the Gold within....

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