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Today´s Energy 17th Nov 2017

Today´s Energy is one of "dull". Dark even. Old - not so nice - programs expands faster than we can clear them and the water is somewhat muddy and confusing with Neptune ruling the energy today. Flow but do not escape is the recipe for today. Hard to see clearly what is what. Outside is icy and very slippery - so it is inside as well.

The Moon is with Venus early morning in EU and will be New with the Sun around or after midnight in USA and early morning tomorrow in Europe.

Back to now: The Sun in 25 degrees of Scorpio helping us see the very deepest Neptune darkness in our Soul. All the dark personas from Old Times and Dimensions are showing their ugly faces with this energy today. Venus wants something NEW and frustration is one of its own kind today, very grumpy and stubborn when Mars moving in on this square to Pluto. Balance just flew out the window.

Lots of frustration, laziness, apathy when the shit hits the fan at the very same time. Deep into the water we go again. So what can we do?

Look at the Ego mind, victimhood and that old religious beliefs and ego-programs and lives that we are not worthy of Mastery, Look into what is from our linage, soul and that old energy of sacrifice. Women and men can meet deep shame with what is discovered in the outer world right now, the "metoo" experiences and stories being opened up to the public - even on the News. Of course we are affected. Deeply. From wrong doing ourselves (not speaking up earlier) and from what we have also done to others.

It is a lot to clear out and swim through but don´t give up. Listen to the energy of Dark. And let it release or work it into a better more loving place works.

The rage, anger and frustration that is coming up is here to be seen and released as well, but it can be interesting to "listen" to what it has to say before kicking it out. Be aware not to let it play out by "itself", uncontrolled or unsupervised.

Be well, this too will pass - as it always does.

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