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Today´s Energy 18th Nov 2017

New Moon in Scorpio 26 degrees!

We are having our awareness, focus and feelings in the same spot at the degree of Decision, Commitment and Saturn today. If we truly listen in on what we feel and what is "healing" to us - what is in the best interest for our Highest Good, what makes our Heart sing - we almost always know what to do. Or we do know, period.

It is when old ego-survival-programs and our soul´s wounds and negative experiences interferes with the heart´s desires that we stumble and hesitates. Today we may feel our Heart´s voice a bit louder.

We can better see and understand the Light inside while it is dark outside. This time we can see deeply into our inner being. Use it!

And then we can make that decision. With clarity. Firm dedicated commitment - to ourselves! This time around.

Mars is in an exact square to Pluto - helping us to be courages in our commitment to Balance. Inner Peace. Autenticity. Growing out of the dark and growing up to the Light.

In silence we can hear. In the dark we can see. Happy New Moon!

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